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  • Writer's pictureRyan Stephens

Greatest Love

"The greatest love a person can show is to die for his friends" (John 15:13, NCV).

This goes way beyond nationalism and standing up for America. This goes beyond a metal that men and women receieve when they come home from combat. This goes beyond the recognition of people who stand and say "thank you." This goes beyond weapons and warfare. This is love demonstrated to the fullest - not only representing a country - you are demonstrating an authority that understands the price of freedom. The heart of a solider is pursuing for treasure that is so priceless that they will lay themselves down for the sake of others. This "treasure" is freedom - not just for themselves but for their families and everyone impacted.

Jesus encounters a Roman solider. I am curious how many battles this warrior has been in. I am interested in how many lives he has saved in protecting the nation of Rome and Israel from foreign affairs. He has a son who is "lying in my home, paralyzed and suffering terribly" (Matthew 8:6, TPT). Jesus accepts and goes with Him to heal his son. Here is what is shocking to me, the Roman solider interjects Jesus but I do not believe he interrupts him with a request that signifies a motive of questioning. I believe he interjects to unveil the authority of Jesus, revealing his unwavering faith in the Messiah. "I understand your authority, for I too am a man who walks under authority and have authority over soliders who serve under me. I can tell one to go and he'll go, and another to come and he'll come. I order my servants and they'll do whatever I ask. (So I know that all you need to do is to stand here and command healing over my son and he will be instantly healed)" (Matthew 8:8-9, TPT). The greatest revelation of expressing the glory of God is believing that the power of the Holy Spirit CAN and WILL instantly heal any form of sickness and unbelief. The solider knew that all Jesus needed to do was speak and the power of the Holy Spirit would instantly heal. Therefore, the solider had confidence in the authority of God to demonstrate miracles, signs and wonders in the earth. The officer knew the heart of God in this moment.

The answer Jesus gives is astounding beyond measure. "He has greater faith than anyone I've encountered in Israel" (Matthew 8:10, TPT). Wow. Are you serious? ALL of Israel?! Even greater than his own followers?! What about the Pharisees who knew the Hebrew Scriptures backwards and forwards because they believed they already inherited eternity? Shouldn't the Pharisees be the ones who express greater faith than all of Israel - after all they are apparently "desendants of Abraham" (John 8:33)? They search the scriptures to find eternal life yet refuse to demonstrate the authority of the Living Word that releases the power of the Holy Spirit to give an abundance of freedom to those in darkness. They are satifisfied with good theology rather than hungry for an encounter face to face with God. The revelation of the solider becoming aware of the authority of God outweighted the glory of the Pharisees that could memorize the five books of Moses. The response Jesus makes seems more like an insult to Israel rather than a compliment for the solider. The church can learn alot from this Roman solider who demonstrated courage beyond understanding. Confidence comes from a place of trust - not a place of entitlement.

"Heaven's kingdom realm can be illustrated like this: A person discovered that there was hidden treasure in a field. Upon find it, he hid it again. Because of uncovering such treasure, he was overjoyed and sold all that he possessed to to buy the entire field just so he could have the treasure. Heaven's kingdom realm is also like a jewel merchant in search of rare pearls. When he discovered one very precious and exquisite pearl, he immediately gave up all he had in exchange for it" (Matthew 13:44-46, TPT). According to Brian Simmons, the "hidden treasure" are the people in the world and the "person" is Jesus sacrificing all to recieve that treasure for himself. "Jesus is the man who sold all that he owned, leaving his exalted place of glory to come and pay for the sin of the whole world (with his own blood) just so he could have you, his treasure. (Heaven's kingdom realm is experienced when we realize what a great price Jesus places on our souls, for he gave his sacred blood for us)" (Brian Simmons, footnote, Matthew 13:44). This parable is the very same allegory that demonstrates the greatest sacrifice.

Here's my question for the church:

Will we sacrifice ourselves in demonstrating our absolute thanks to every solider who has fought for the freedoms we have today or will we refuse to give honor because we are satisfied with keeping doctrines in line that "bring glory to God" when in reality are selfish motives to protect the integrity of "religious Christianity"?

"The greatest love a person can show is to die for his friends" (John 15:13, NCV). I know this is not talking about soliders in America or any solider in any country for that matter. But are we seriously going to protect the context of interpretting scripture over actually "always giving thanks" to those who have given their hearts away to provide for your freedom because you do not want to be deemed a "heretic" in the church? Is it not the will of God to "always give thanks" in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18)? Are we seriously going to refuse demonstrating the will of God to protect our interpratations of Scripture?

Here's my point:

Memorial day is not about resurrecting the spirit of "American Christianity." It is about celebrating lives who demonstrated the greatest amount of faith to protect the freedoms of millions. It is about saluting and giving honor to those who truly know what it means to steward their authority wisely. Every move a solider makes is always for the other person, even if it means the one dies for all.

Is that not what Jesus did on the cross - the Son of God who died for the sake of all the world?

To all who gave their lives for the freedoms of all - I say thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The courage and strength ya'll demonstrate goes beyond what I could ever comprehend in my lifetime. To run in the midst of a death fight to protect the freedoms of all is the greatest revelation of what true love is like. I declare that the Lord will bless you above and beyond your wildest dreams. I declare the Lord will bless your families with the peace and joy beyond human reasoning.

To every veteran in the United States Military - from the bottom of my heart - I say:

Thank you!

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