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  • Writer's pictureRyan Stephens

You are His Melody

Has anyone ever wondered if God has a melody written upon His heart? As a follower of Christ over the years, I have never thought of God singing over me before. Honestly, it upsets me to think I have missed years of dwelling in His music for me. However, I am filled with joy to declare today that He has a song for you. His voice is so sweet yet carries a weight of glory beyond compare. Today, I want to invite you into the revelation and intimate encounter of exploring the reality that God has a song of endless love that He wants to mark you with for the rest of your life.

"I am truly his rose, the very theme of his song. I'm overshadowed by his love, growing in the valley" (Song of Songs 2:1, TPT).

It all begins here. We are His rose, plucked by His strings of endless grace. The literal Hebrew text here reads "a rose of Sharon." The Hebrew word for Sharon means "his song." The Hebrew word for rose means "overshadowed." We are overshadowed by His love song over us. He is moved by the melody of our hearts no matter where we are in each season of life. Fear has a way of wanting to overshadow our hearts so we do not listen and relax in the lyrics He has for us. His presence constantly chases us down to stand in our midst and sing His song that never ends. His melody moves us to stand still in the presence of our Creator and Savior in the midst of chaos.

Geographically, the Hebrew Scriptures mentions an actual rose garden planted in the middle of a wilderness reigion. This garden flourished and prospered like never before. It is humanly impossible for a garden not only to grow from a desert reigion but to flourish day by day without running out of water. It is supernatural. "The wilderness and dry land will be joyously glad! The desert will blossom like a rose and rejoice! Every dry and barren place will burst forth with abundant blossoms, dancing and spinning with delight! Lebanon's lush splendor covers it, the magnificant beauty of Carmel and Sharon. My people will see the awesome glory of Yahweh, the beautiful grandeur of our God" (Isaiah 35:1-2, TPT). There is rich revelation of poetic imagery mentioned in the Hebrew language of this passage connected with Proverbs and Genesis. "Every dry and barren place will burst forth with abundant blossoms, dancing and spinning with delight" (verse 2)! The Hebrew word (parach) implies a breaking forth and blooming. It also means to "spread (the wings) and fly." Proverbs mentions a fasinating revelation behind the poetic imagery of "dancing and spinning with delight." "Before the oceans depths were poured out, and before there were any glorious fountains overflowing with water, I was there, dancing" (Proverbs 8:24, TPT)! The Hebrew word for (kabad) means "glory" in describing the fountains. Another way of translating "glorious fountains" is "fountains of glory." This is a picture of the bride of Christ filled with the founatins of His glory flowing in the wilderness. The Hebrew word for "dancing" actually means "I was born." This is another way of saying that out of the blood of Christ, I was born again to dance and overflow with His presence in the earth.

There is a hint of revelation in Genesis pertaining to the "overshadowing" of His song of love in the Song of Songs 2:1. "God's Spirit hovered over the face of the waters" (Genesis 1:2, TPT). The term "hovered" can also be translated "gently vibrated." The Hebrew verb (rachaph) means "to flutter," "to gently move," "to hover over with gentle wavering," or "to be relaxed (grow soft)." This describes the utmost care and affection of a mother eagle caring for her young (Deut 32:11). This same hovering or overshadowing happened to fall upon Mary to give birth to the Messiah. This very same verse in Genesis 1:2 is directly connected to the rose of Sharon, the bride of Christ.

The Spirit of God overshadows us with His love so we can tune into the song that shakens our hearts to the core. "He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love" (Psalm 23:2, TPT). The Greek word for love is commonly known as (agape). This word is actually a verb that has two words and two meanings. The first word (Ago) means to "lead like a shephered." The second word (pao) means "to rest." Love is our Shepherd leading us into a place of true rest in His heart. Another way of defining the word "rest" means "to relax" much like when the Spirit of God "relaxed" over the face of the waters.

His song of love over humanity has been singing with powerful passion ever since the beginning of time. His song is best revealed through His Son. Our Messiah is constantly chasing us down in inviting us to become His dwelling place so that we can listen, enjoy and become the fountains of His glory in the earth. You are His melody. You are His song that never ends. He constantly thinks about you from a place of endless joy. He is not moved by the wind of opinion. He is constantly grounded, planted firm in a garden that He planted within our hearts. I will forever choose to dwell safely and securely in His voice of love that burns with a passion for me. His song is designed to hover over us so that we may relax in the midst of the chaos and calamity in our world today. Come and dwell in His banner.

He is singing.

Are you listening?

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