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  • Writer's pictureRyan Stephens

Relentless Pursuit

Unworthy. Ashamed. Fearful. Tired. Sinner. Guilty. Not good enough. Liar. Confused.

These are but a short list of what the world has heard for centuries. A world has gone completely mad because of these words. The movements of the world live in response to these grusome declerations. These few have affected human history - the way people talk, act and live their lives. We become so accustomed to them that we hide in the shadow of their embrace yet we know our hearts long for something else. Anger and rage are just a few fruits that have stimulated the affects of human life. These wounds cut deep into our hearts and we have turned to the most grusome places in our journey that seem to take us even deeper into our pain. Here is the good news: The wounds of your past are not normal and this is not the way of life God designed you to live.

Who will silence these accusations? Who will heal my wounds and bring me back to life?

His name is Jesus - Messiah - Emmanuel - God became one of us.

He is a rescuer, a divine warrior, a savage and warring prince, a bountiful lover, King above all kings and the only one worthy to sit on a throne. Here we begin a journey - a journey for a new beginning - a fresh encounter - a real face to face moment with the Messiah that shifted everything we know to be true. He came to shake our foundations and fought for your soul's affection. I invite you into a place of intimacy:

"I summon my son out of Egypt" (Matthew 2:15, TPT).

Come out of hiding - you're safe in His presence.

God stopped at nothing to rescue and set you free. He wrestled all of hell to complete you in His love. There is no word from the demonic that could ever justify your identity. You are brought into a family of royalty - a family that never ends. God has now become your Father and everything is satifised in the embrace of His care. His nails pierced the very substance of shame and guilt. "I will strike a blow to him as a nail in a secure place, and he will be a glorious throne of honor for his Father's house" (Isaiah 22:23, TPT). The Hebrew word for "secure" in this verse comes from the word "amen" and can also be translated "believe." God revealed to the world that the nails on His son's wrist will be a place of healing and rest. God stopped at nothing to show you that He is the one you can trust. "All the glory of his father's house they will fasten to him, including offspring and branches that will trust in him" (Isaiah 22:24, TPT).

All your shame is gone. You can leave its place of influence. All your wounds are healed. You can leave them behind. The divisions of His flesh gave you victory.

He went to war for your peace. This battle came at a cost.

Let me paint you a picture:

The garden of Gethsemane. The beginning of life and the beginning of death generated in a garden. The first Adam died in a garden. The second Adam lived.

Let me explain:

People have understood this passage in Matthew 26:36-46 to explain that this cup of suffering he experienced was a prayer to avoid the cross. I find that hard to believe. Here's why: Jesus prophetically proclaimed to his disciples that the son of Man must suffer, be crucified on a cross and resurrect from the grave (Mark 8:31 & Luke 9:22). This cup of suffering was a temptation not to avoid his death on the cross but to die prematurely in the garden. His prayer to the Father was an escape from dying in a garden. The drops of blood he sweat from his face was an invitation to die in a place where Jesus would have known to be a liar. If He died in the garden, his prophesies and the Old Testament prophesies about his manner of death would have been proven to be false. The Father answered His prayer and He lived throughout the night before His grusome beating. It is also believed that the amount of Roman soliders who came with the Jewish priests and Judas were around 300-600 armed guards. These armed guards were actually trained to be in the front lines in preventing riots from happening in the streets. It is also possible that this enormous group of soldiers had access into the temple. These soliders were like the seal team six of today. Why would you need 300-600 soliders to come capture one person? Are you serious? These armed guards were incredibly strong and highly trained with the finest weaponary known in their day. It makes no sense. Did the Jewish priests really believe Jesus was causing riots? If anything Jesus went to war in the spirit realm to be our rescuer and savage prince who battles for our union. However, we see the prayer answered by the Father as Jesus was captured and taken away to be beaten profusely rather than a premature death in the garden. This makes me so happy because Jesus did not waver His way to the cross. He always thinks about you and I with extreme love. He did not hesitate to rescue us. He is a strong prince who wars for our zeal towards Him. It was His joy set before Him to endure the cross because He believed that you would be His son and daughter.

He died to silence every demonic accusation ever spoken over you. His flesh divided the lies of shame and guilt. Every scar on his body was a battle cry for you. This was His song on the cross:

"You are worthy to be called my son! You are worthy to be called my daughter! You are filled with purity! You are courageous and bold! You are at rest in me! You are no longer a sinner - You are a saint! You are not guilty - it is not your fault! You are good enough to be with me! Your life is truth! You are loved!"

It is finished.

Relentless Pursuit. Nothing could stop Him from loving you.

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