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  • Writer's pictureRyan Stephens

Saftey in His Presence

The people of the world are tired of pulpit Christians. Church goers are tired of pulpit Christians who tell them what their interpretation of the Scriptures suggest. That being said, do not misunderstand me. I love the Scriptures. It is my personal conviction that you cannot love Jesus without loving His written Word. However, too much of our time has been spent on eyeing the pages of the bible rather than surrouding ourselves in the presence. There is always saftey in the manifest presence of Jesus. There is no better time than right now to anchor ourselves around the presence of the Holy Spirit and release His authority given to us. The body of believers are a people who are designed by nature to release the glory of God into the most impossible situations.

"His faithfulness will form a shield around you, a rock-solid wall to protect you" (Psalm 91:4, VOICE). There is no better presence to be around than Jesus. His personality, voice, tenderness, fierceness and joy is contagious. I am jealous everytime I read the gospels and imagine the disciples with Him. This is why I am so thankful for the presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit. I am one who has experienced His touch and I can confidently say that there is no better presence than Him.

This leads me to my point: The Holy Spirit must become our focus throughout life. We can only experience the saftey of Jesus whenever we are consciously aware of the nature of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, since His presence can be experienced on the earth, why would we ever suggest that what Jesus did in the bible was true yet cut ourselves short to say it was only for the original followers? Cessationism is dangerous and heritical at best. We must give Jesus the freedom to be Himself in us. The moment we can let Him be himself in us is the moment the world can experience first hand what it means to touch the hem of His garment.

Where we are aware of the Holy Spirit is when we are resting in the saftey of His presence. The world needs to take a breath and breathe Him in. Thankfully, believers are able to give people what they need the most, an encounter with the Lord.

"We saw him with our very own eyes. We gazed upon him and heard him speak. Our hands actually touched him, the one who was from the beginning, the Living Expression of God" (1 John 1:1, TPT). According to Brian Simmons, there is incredible revelation for the word "touched." The meaning of the word "touched" is very poetic. It is a sensory verb that means "to pluck the strings of an instrument" or "to feel" (Acts 17:27). It is as though John is saying to believers: "We have plucked the chords of his being and felt what motivated him, his melody within" (Brian Simmons). His motivation was to touch us with grace. The world longs for this embrace and I have such incredible news: You can touch Him. The moment you do, you will never be the same again. Our Father wants you to feel His love over you and believe it for yourself. In this encounter, there is saftey.

There is always saftey in His presence.

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