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  • Writer's pictureRyan Stephens

Strengthen yourself in the Lord

I have been silent. Quiet. Not one word mentioned about the pandemic we are in as a nation and abroad. Thankfully, silence does not have to be useless. My silence has turned into worship when no one is looking. These moments are where I have strengthened myself in His presence. These moments of strength will carry zeal and power for years to come.

I love David. There is no other king, other than Jesus, who was more hungry for the presence than David. A shephard boy became a man of war. As a young boy he tended sheep, and did I mentioned that whenever a lion or bear would attack the flock, he would go after it and snap its neck with his own bare hands? "“I’ve been a shepherd, tending sheep for my father. Whenever a lion or bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I’d go after it, knock it down, and rescue the lamb. If it turned on me, I’d grab it by the throat, wring its neck, and kill it. Lion or bear, it made no difference—I killed it" (1 Samuel 17:34-36, MSG). Notice something I want you to catch. David was tending sheep "for my father." He didn't tend sheep for any reason other than to love His father and reveal himself faithful. The shocking thing is; no one watched David destroy these lions and bears for the sheep, not even his father Jesse. No one praised him for any of the times he rescued the flock. If I was living in the days of David, I would be on the hill top, eating popcorn and watching David destory everything that laid a finger on his sheep or himself. Watching David would almost be like filming one of the most epic movies of all time. Anyway, when David stepped out into one of the greatest battle scenes to ever exist between the Israelites and Philistines, he came in with incredible power and authority that both Israel and the Philistines wish they carried. David strengthened himself in the Lord for no greater time than to destroy the head of Goliath, take the sword of the Philistine, cut his head off, carry it all the way to the outskirts of Jerusalem and bury it on a hill to declare victory over the entire nation of Israel. By the way, this same hill is what some scholars believe to be Golgatha hill, which is in Aramaic for "The Skull," the same mountain top where Jesus was crucified. David's strength carried the entire nation of Israel into freedom. David was a man after God's own heart. He wanted to discover the depths of His love, passion, and grace. Such a beautiful picture of our Messiah who sits on the throne of David.

Here's my point: David strengthened himself when no one was looking so that when he stepped into a moment in history that would shake the nations, he would be fighting from victory rather than for it. There is no better time for the church to rise up, worship God privately and publicly for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Oh Yahweh, how we need an outpouring of your precious and powerful Holy Spirit! The time for rain is now. The time to declare our victory is now. We are not cowards. We are not fear driven people of God. We are men and women of war. We are a people destined for breakthrough. We are war horses ready to strike in battle whenever the enemy dares to fight. Does this virus seriously believe it has any right to sit on a throne? You have no throne. Who do you think you are to come and murder hundreds as if you have any authority to do so? How pathetic. This virus is nothing compared to the glorious God we worship. This virus stole people that belong to the name of YHWH and God is going after it to completely obliterate its very influence. Our worship will release that destruction and our prayers for others will manifest breakthrough in the most impossible situations. God is in the business of redemption. This virus seems to forget that our Lord is a man of war - the Lord is his name (Exodus 15:3). Piss of God and you will be destroyed before you can think straight. Thankfully, our battle is not against flesh and blood. There are principalities and spirits of darkness that war against our flesh (Eph 6:12). The war has been won at the cross but battles are still being fought. It is time for the church to strengthen herself for her beloved so that she can participate in his divine authority and shatter this virus. The God we worship only knows how to triumph. "Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands" (1 Samuel 18:7, ESV).

Fear has a way of being very loud and annoying. Whenever I hear a word or two about the results it has caused, every word has carried a spirit of fear. It has aggrivated me more times than one. This irritation has led me to worship with zeal, proclaiming a rip in the heavens to come down and pour out the rain of the Spirit. I've been experiencing the power of faith rising within me to believe for incredible breakthrough for every nation. Worship has silenced the annoying sounds of fear that surround me. All I hear in my heart are the sounds of His promises echoing in my ears. "My ears are filled with the sound of promise" (Psalm 92:14 MSG). He has quited me in His love. I pray He does the same for you and everyone affected. There is no better time to worship in the midst of battle. It is time for believers to pray the power of God out of heaven and into the earth. This is where our strength comes from and when we live as sons to serve those affected, the touch of heaven becomes tangible.

He is a good Father

Victory is here

Breakthrough is coming

Strengthen yourself in the Lord

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