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  • Writer's pictureRyan Stephens

Throne Room Encounters

The church is waking up. The church is coming alive again. Revival is stirring and healing is coming. Nothing can stop this awakening that is arriving from the throne of heaven. The body of Christ is no longer going to question their authority and will begin to use what Jesus has given her bride. Yeshua will recieve His reward for what He bought. Compromise is over. False grace and humility is leaving. Throne Room Encounters are coming. Nations will glean from the glory the bride of Jesus carries on the earth. Countries will come running and hearts will become still when they encounter the never ending love of Jesus. Whenever you encounter the one seated on the throne of all power and authority, you will never be the same again. He is so powerful yet His strength is demonstrated to wildly unleash His affections of love over you. The throne room is an invitiation for more of Him. We are seated in heavenly places, destined to experience all the promises of heaven given to His kids who will humbly be shaken with adoration. The throne room is closer than you think and it is possible that His throne lives within the hearts of every born again child of God.

Shekinah glory is the dwelling place of His presence. We are the resting place for the spirit of God to come and release His will on the earth. There is no Hebrew or Aramaic word for Shekinah in the classical manuscripts of Scripture. It was first introduced by Jewish rabbis through targums and literature in the period between the completion of the Old and New Testament. The etymology of "Shekinah" is from the Hebrew word (shākan), which means "to reside or permanently stay." In other words, the Shekinah glory is the Holy of Holies, the manifest tangible presence of God (Exodus 19:16-18, 1 Kings 6:13, 2 Chronicles 7:1, Psalm 68:16-18, Joel 3:17). "The Cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the Glory of God filled the Dwelling" (Exodus 40:34, MSG). In Christ, we are His dwelling place on the earth. The presence of the Holy Spirit would come to the Israelites with the cloud by day and fire by night. The Spirit of God filled the room on Pentecost and is never going to leave this resting place ever again (Acts 2). The glory of God fills the body of Christ and the Holy Spirit is about to rush in like a champion, restoring everything to His original design.

"And I will ask the Father and he will give you another Savior, the Holy Spirit of Truth, who will be to you a friend just like me - and he will never leave you. The world won't receive him because they can't see him or know him. But you will know him intimately, because he will make his home in you and will live inside you. I promise that I will never leave you helpless or abandon you as orphans - I will come back to you" (John 14:16-18, TPT). We are not orphans. We are royal children of the Most High. The word "Savior" in the Passion Translation of this verse is fasinating. It is a Greek word (paráklētos) and it means "defense attorney" or "one called to stand next to you as a helper." The Aramaic term for this Greek word is (paraqleta), taken from two root words: (praq) "to end, finish, or to save" and (lyta) "the curse." The Holy Spirit has come to end the curse of sin over our lives and to save us from its every effect.

The Throne Room is mentioned in the book of Revelation 40 times. It refers to how God is the governmental center of all the universe. How does this connect with throne room encounters? "His appearance was sparkling like crystal and glowing like a carnelian gemstone. Surrounding the throne was a circle of green light, like an emerald rainbow. Encircling the great throne were twenty-four thrones with elders in glistening white garments seated upon them, each wearing a golden crown of victory" (Revelation 4:3-4, TPT). We must remember, John, who wrote this book, was taken in the spirit realm (Revelation 4:1). The appearance of Yeshua, who sits on the throne, is like that of a jasper. Here is what is incredibly shocking: The Hebrew word for "jasper" is (yashepheh) and is described as the twelfth jewel on the breastplate of Aaron, the high priest (Exodus 28:20 & 39:13). The Hebrew name for Jesus is (Yeshua) coming from two different Joshuas in the Old Testament. The first Joshua mentioned in Scripture is the one who led the people of Israel into the promised land after Moses died on the mountain. The second Joshua is a prominent leader in Israel who led the people of God back into the promised land after being exiled because of idolatry. The Hebrew verb for Yeshua is (yasha) and it means "to deliever, save, or rescue." If you connect both Yeshua and yashepheh, the first four letters from its root word are the same; (yash = Yeshua) and (yash = Jasper). The throne room is inscribed with 12 jewels (Revelation 21:19-21 TPT). The one who sits on the throne is Jesus. It is entirely possible that the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Christ, is described here as the "Savior" of humanity in experiencing the fullness of God in all His splendor and glory, ready to adorn the bride of Christ with the image of Jesus.

All of this means that the throne room of Christ is not far off in the sky somewhere. It is dwelling in the hearts of every born again believer, ready to unveil the real Jesus. Through the power and breath of the Holy Spirit, we have an all access pass into the throne room, the Holy of Holies, to experience all the love Jesus wants to give and for us to release. We are glorious because of the blood. "Grace is a certain beginning of glory in us" (Thomas Aquinas). This is the grace Jesus poured out on the cross for us. We do not have to wait to experience the fullness of God's presence. We are His dwelling place. The world is waiting for this kind of an encounter.

What do you experience when you encounter the Shekinah glory of God? You recieve the reckless love, savage grace, abuandant mercy, and extended power to live from a place of victory rather than for it.

Church - get prepared.

World - get ready.

Revival is coming.

Throne Room Encounters are here.

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