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  • Writer's pictureRyan Stephens

Glory to Glory

Updated: Apr 9, 2020

I am going to interrupt you for a minute and remind you something before I begin. This is not a religious sermon or a religious conversation. This is an invitation for you to experience the tangible presence of God and hear His voice over your heart. Therefore, I will not and do not want to give you another familiar story. I hate familiar stories. Growing up, I hating reading not only because it was boring but because I hated familiarity. Believers and non-believers alike all know this story backwards and forwards. What do we do when we have heard the same truth told over and over again as if we need to learn how to read? Familiarity is dangerous and cunning. We have become so cognizant of this story that we miss the opportunity for God to speak in the most unlikely places of our lives. What story am I talking about?


We have become so accustomed to hearing the story of Easter that we forget its divine purpose. Easter or Passover must be experienced and told from a new perspective or else ritualism is our friend.

Religion breathes ritualism. Thankfully, that is not what I am here to share with you.

What is Easter? No the better question is: Why Easter?

I am not hear to share with you what it is about. You and I have heard it enough already.

Give me the real Jesus.

"Since you are cherished and precious in my eyes, and because I love you dearly and want to honor you, I willingly give up nations in exchange for you - a man to save your life. Bring me everyone who is called by my name, the ones I created to experience my glory. I myself formed them to be who they are and made them for my glory" (Isaiah 43:4, 7 TPT). Do I ever hear this verse spoken at church on Easter Sunday's? Nope, not once. Do you see the significance? God wants to honor you and has called you by name to experience His glory! Did you know the term "honor" in Hebrew is connected with the word "glory"? Yeah - that's right - you were made for glory. The blood of Jesus did not die for you so you can call yourself unworthy. He did not die so you can add the name "sinner" to your new name. What is the point of His death if you still call yourself a sinner? Beware because false humility is a trap. To think less of yourself pride. It is time for us to think the thoughts God has over us. A thought in my mind that He does not have in His is unaffordable. Jesus came so you can be yourself in Him. He died for you not only so you can believe in Him but so He can show you how much He believes in you to release what He has created in you. His blood gives you the freedom to express who you really are. "Beloved, we are God's children right now" (1 John 3:2, TPT).

You were designed by God not only to give Him glory but to share in His glory. He willingly gave up His Son for you to experience abundant amounts of success and beauty. You are seated in heavenly places - crowned as kings to live a life of victory in every season of life (Ephesians 2:6). Whenever you graduate from college, get that new promotion, get married or start a family, God celebrates those moments with you and this Easter weekend is our way of celebrating His greatest moment in human history. We need a fresh encounter with God.

He has invited us to experience the greatest moment ever told. Your old self life has died with Him and your new life has begun. You are completely new in Him. He does not look into your eyes with embarressment or condemnation. His eyes are too pure to look upon evil and you are not evil. His eyes are filled with fire, full of loving affection towards you. You are no longer an orphan, you are a son and a daughter. You are no longer a slave to your shame, you possess a new nature and are given a new name. You are no longer a sinner, you are a saint. You are crowned with royality. "The nails of His cross crucified me with Him. My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, and dispenses his life into mine" (Galatians 2:20, TPT)! You are crowned as kings and queens to experience and release heaven on earth. You were designed to live from glory to glory.

"Bring me my sons from far away, my daughters from the ends of the earth" (Isaiah 43:6, TPT). He sent His son so you can become His son. He sent His son so you can become His daughter. You were born to be amazing.

This Easter weekend, release His presence to those who are religious and those who refuse to believe.

People will see His glory as you laugh at the face of condemnation and express shouts of constant joy.

You are a reflecting mirror of His presence.

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Apr 10, 2020

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