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  • Writer's pictureRyan Stephens

Your Greatest Inheritance

All I want to do in life is to sit at the feet of Jesus and lay my head on his chest - there is no greater place of rest. All I thought about this morning was to dwell where He is dwelling. One of the most striking revelations I have ever recieved is how my purpose in life is to become a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit to rest upon and remain. The greastest privilege I have as a son is to host the presence of God and become the resting place where people can come and feast upon the goodness of a perfect Father. "My Father's house has many dwelling places. If it were otherwise, I would tell you plainly, because I go to prepare a place for you to rest" (John 14:2, TPT). What a striking picture of a prophetic introduction to the outpouring of the Spirit. "Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart...He is given to us (Holy Spirit) like an engagement ring is given to a bride, as the first installment of what’s coming! He is our hope-promise of a future inheritance which seals us until we have all of redemption’s promises and experience complete freedom—all for the supreme glory and honor of God" (Ephesians 1:11, 14 TPT; emphasis mine). Through this fasinating revelation, God inherits us and we inherit Him. This is the full picture of what it means to live an "on earth as it is in heaven" reality.

As I was spending time in worship this morning, I had this impression to focus my praise from a place of rest. As I focused my attention on the presence, the Lord told me to read John 13. This passage is popular in many Christian circles because it highlights the activity of Jesus washing the disciples feet and by doing so we must wash one another's feet. Therefore, it is a picture of our love for the Messiah. While that revelation is completely legal and highly encouraged, this moment with the Lord was different.

The setting begins the night before Passover, which would be "his last night on earth before leaving this world to return to the Father's side" (John 13:1, TPT). What is amazing is verse 4: "So he got up from the meal and took off his outer robe, and took a towel and wrapped it around his waist." In Jewish culture, to sit and dine at a table was a sign of true friendship and intimacy. The table signified the place of honor and royalty. Another Hebrew word for "honor" can also be translated "glory." The table was a place where you can experience the glory and presence of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, for Jesus to take off his robe was incredibly shocking. To take off your robe was a sign that you were stripping yourself naked of your identity and becoming the lowest form a servant by washing the feet of others. This is not a delightful picture of physically serving others to do "kingdom work" but to invite people into a royal family. According to Brian Simmons, sandals were a Hebraic covenental picture of granting someone an inheritance. Here's what strikes me the most is verse 12: "After washing their feet, he put his robe on and returned to his place at the table." There is only one on the throne but he invites others to sit with Him in glory.

Here's my point: Jesus stripped off his royal identity so He can give you His robe of righteousness. His resurrection is the fulfillment of his robe being put back on him not only to be enthroned but also for you to be seated with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). The point for washing people's feet is to invite others in experiencing the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. We actually see a picture of what it means to host the presence of God:

"The disciple that Jesus dearly loved was at the right of him at the table and was leaning his head on Jesus" (John 13:23, TPT). I am a visual learner and this picture messed me up. I can see John thinking the same thoughts of Jesus in this moment. After the Lord washed his feet, he surrendered his understanding of God for intimacy with Him. He gives up his right to understand to experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. This is such a glorious picture of trust. Our love for others reveals the glory we carry.

To be seated in heavenly places and rest our heads on the presence of Jesus is our greatest inheritance. This is what child like faith looks like. Our faith must rest on His shoulders in order for miracles and breakthrough to become the norm in our lives. Bold faith rests on the shoulders of quiet trust. This is the privelege of hosting the presence of God. The overshadowing of the Holy Spirit over us is our greatest privlege as believers for our world today. It is the very nature to where we give place for a person to illuminate the darkness with His shining glory - it is the place of divine revelation of His goodness.

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